GCU Lahore Jobs 2023 Apply Online Now announced through an online job portal Apply Online Now
Ad No. 01
- Director General
Ad No. 02
- Research Assistant
- Sub Engineer
- Lab Attendant
- Project Officer
- Project Coordinator
- Lab Assistant
- Research Officer
- Research Associate
- For details regarding the qualification and eligibility criteria of faculty prescribed for each post, please visit the HEC website
- The processing fee Rs. 500/- in HBL, GCU Branch through Challan form or Online HBLA/C No 2398- 70001616-03 or Bank Draft in Favour of “Treasurer GCU Lahore”.
- The completely filled application form along with attested copies of all testimonials, experience certificates, CNIC & CV shall be addressed to the Vice Chancellor’s Office, GC University, Katchery Road,54000 Lahore.
- The application form must comprise the cover letter, a comprehensive curriculum vitae including a full list of publications’ names and contact details of three referees.
- The last date to apply for Government College University GCU Lahore Jobs is 20th September 2023.

Government College University GCU Lahore Jobs 2023 announced through an online job portal If you’re looking forward for GC University Lahore Jobs in Pakistan then there is a good news for you! You are at right place. We have put complete details of vacant positions and applying procedure below on this page. GC University, Lahore invites applications from qualified and experience individuals against the following posts. A month Long Mandatory Induction Training shall be offered to hire Faculty, Interested Candidates are Encourage to apply for following Positions at department of intermediate studies.