Hyderabad Electric Supply HESCO New Jobs 2023 has been announced through an online job portal (SUTC) at Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO) is a leading Power Distribution Company endeavoring to provide uninterrupted Electric supply to more than 0.9 million valued customers. HESCO invites applications from the candidates having domicile of the Districts within the jurisdiction of HESCO (i.e. Hyderabad, Jamshoro, Matiari, Tando Allahyar, Tando Muhammad Khan, Mirpurkhas, Tharparkar, Umerkot, Sujawal, Badin, Thatta, Nawabshah and Sanghar) HESCO invites applications through M/s Quaid-e-Awam University Testing Service (QAUTS) for recruitment to fill the following positions of officers on one year contract extendable on performance and need basis. All quotas such as Provincial, Former FATA, GB, AJK, Women, Disabled & Minority etc. will be observed as per Govt of Pakistan Policy wherever applicable. The appointments will be made on a lump sum salary/pay package, without any possibility of regularization in the future.
- Chief Executive Officer
- Application forms, Challan and other information are available on M/s Quaid-e-Awam University
Testing Service (QAUTS) website - After the submission of the online application, candidates must download the system-generated
challan of Rs.428/- and deposit it in any of the country-wide online branches of HBL. The deposited fee is not refundable. - Application form along with a copy of mentioned documents is to be sent to Project HESCO, Quaid-e-AwamUniversity Testing Service QAUTS, Department of Telecommunication Engineering, QUEST, Sakrand Road, Nawabshah
- Domicile Certificate
- Requisite educational documents
- Copy of the paid fee challan (in original)
- Applications incomplete in any respect and received after the due date will not be entertained.
- Candidates are advised not to change their mobile numbers, Postal, and email addresses during
the recruitment process. - Doing so can result in non-intimation of the test date, result, and interview schedule.
- Candidate has to sign a declaration that the information provided by him/her is correct
- The last date to apply online for Hyderabad Electric Supply Company HESCO Jobs is 03rd August 2023.