PESCO New Jobs 2024 Online Apply announced the position of Deputy Manager (Legal/ Contract) in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa through an online job portal at PESCO runs under Company Ordinance-1984 as well as the article of Association, company is inviting applications for recruitment of suitable candidates to fill the following positions purely on a contract basis on a lump sum pay basis extendable subject to satisfactory performance. Applications are invited from Pakistani Nationals for the following project-funded positions on a contract basis. Both males and females who fulfill the eligibility criteria can apply for these posts. Age, qualification, experience and domicile prescribed for the posts are mentioned against each in the advertisement given below.
- Chief Information Technology Officer
- Chief Legal Officer
- Chief Supply Chain Management Officer
- Chief Technical Advisor
- Chief Engineering Advisor
- Chief Human Resource Career Planning Officer
- Chief Financial Officer
- Chief Commercial Advisor
- Company Secretary
- The application can be submitted online on PESCO website
- Hard copy of the application shall be submitted through either registered post/ courier service along with related documents i.e. qualification and requisite experience at the address: Company Secretary’s Office, PESCO, Room No. 158, PESCO Headquarters, Shami Road, Peshawar.
- Candidates shall be required to produce all original documents at the time of the interview.
- Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews/ selection process.
- No TA/DA will be admissible for interview.
- Last date to apply online for Peshawar Electric Supply Company PESCO Jobs is 17th May 2024.