Prime Minister PM Office Jobs 2023 Islamabad NDMA has been announced in Islamabad. If you’re looking forward to Prime Minister PM Office Jobs in Pakistan, there is good news
- Deputy Manager Hydrology
- Deputy Manager Meteorology
- Deputy Manager Climatology
- Deputy Manager Seismology
- Deputy Manager Geology
- Deputy Manager GIS Development I
- Deputy Manager GIS Development II
- Deputy Manager GIS Analysis I
- Deputy Manager GIS Analysis II
- Assistant Manager Environmental Sciences
- Assistant Manager Risk Assessment I
- Assistant Manager Risk Assessment II
- Assistant Manager GIS Analysis I
- Assistant Manager Data Scientist I
- Assistant Manager Data Scientist II
- Assistant Manager GIS Development I
- Assistant Manager GIS Development II
- Assistant Manager Seismology
- Assistant Manager Hydrology
- Assistant Manager Climatology
- Assistant Manager Meteorology
- Eligible candidates may apply online through the National Job Portal at and also send a hard copy to PO Box No.3356, GPO, Islamabad within 15 days of publication of this advertisement.
- The detailed job descriptions of the advertised posts are available on the NDMA website
- The name of the post, for which the application is made, should be clearly mentioned on the top right corner of the envelope.
- Only shortlisted candidates will be called for a test/ interview as the case may be.
- The shortlisted candidates will be required to present their original documents duly attested by HEC at the time of the interview. candidate(s).
- A lump-sum monthly package will be offered to the successful/selected depending on domain skills & relevant experience.
- Applications received after the due date will not be entertained.
- The Management reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason or cancel partial or whole recruitment process/advertisement at any stage.
- No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in the test/interview.
- The last date to Apply for Prime Minister PM Office Jobs is 29th September 2023.