QESCO Jobs 2024 Quetta Electric Supply Company announced 112+ seats in Quetta, Balochistan through an online job portal (BUITEMS) at QESCO is a Public Limited Company that provides Electricity to its consumers. Applications are invited for the recruitment of suitable candidates to fill the following position under the jurisdiction of QESCO on a contract basis. All the quotas such as Minority & 20% Employees Children Quota etc. will be observed as per Government Policy where applicable. Age limit, qualification, experience, and domicile prescribed for the posts are mentioned against each in the advertisement given below.
- Security Sergeant
- Security Guard
- The advertisement is also available at Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) website and QESCO
- The interested firm(s) may submit sealed Proposals (through courier services) containing rates in Rupees per application along with minimum processing time in days from the closing date of receiving applications to the Chief Executive Officer, QESCO Zarghoon Road Quetta Cantt under Caption Expression of Interest for providing Security Services Firms as per PPRA Rules, 2004.
- The Expression of Interest will be based upon “single stage two stage envelops” method as prescribed under PPRA rules containing separate sealed covers “Technical Proposal & Financial Proposal”.
- The Expression of Interest will be received by 13 May 2024 upto 11:00hrs and Technical Proposal will be opened on the same date at 11:30 hrs QESCO HR/Zarghoon Road Quetta Cantt.
- QESCO reserves the right to accept or reject or annul whole of the bid or part thereof, prior to acceptance of proposal.
- Security Service Firm should ensure that all submitted information is/are correct and true.
- Incomplete proposal(s) can be dropped any time.
- The contract will be awarded to successful bidder with the prior approval of CEO QESCO.
- The Bid/ tender documents, which can be obtained from the office of D.G (HR&Admn) QESCO Quetta against pay order/demand draft in the name of Finance Director QESCO Quetta of Rs. 10,000/- cach.
- The last date to apply for Quetta Electric Supply Company QESCO Jobs is 13th May 2024.