CMH Rawalpindi Jobs 2023 Apply Online Now announced employment opportunities for the various posts. The official advertisement can be seen below.
- Nursing Assistant
- Ward Boy
- Barber
- Chowkidar
- Cook
- Aya
- Aya
- Sweeper
- Application form along with educational certificates, domicile, CNIC duly attested and passport size photographs with deposit slip should be submitted at Commandant Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi.
- Deposit Rs.200/- in MCB CMH Rwp A/C No. 008460210005572 and forward documents along with the deposit slip.
- Postal order of Rs. 200/- should be attached to the application form.
- Separate call letters for test/interview will be issued and the schedule will be displayed on Main Gate of CMH.
- Age limit is 18 to 30 years. (age limit for retired persons is 45 years)
- Last date for submission of application form in CMH Rawalpindi Jobs is 18th September 2023.

Combined Military Hospital CMH Rawalpindi Jobs 2023 announced employment opportunities for the various posts. Official advertisement can be seen below. Applications are invited from Pakistani Nationals for the following positions. Interested candidates both male and female who fulfil the eligibility criteria can apply for these posts. Age Limit, qualification, experience and domicile prescribed for the posts are mentioned against each in the advertisement given below.